Interreg Vo.Ca.Te

Valorisation of natural and cultural heritage

Interreg Vo.Ca.Te

The voice of the earth, the songs of the earth - The intangible cultural heritage as the identity of the territory and the community.

The project aims at enhancing the intangible cultural heritage of the cooperation area in terms of tourism and culture, highlighting and promoting the common features that distinguish the Alpine and traditional culture of the area. In particular, the project aims to strengthen niche and sectorial tourism by enhancing the cultural and museum heritage linked to music, which represents the oral knowledge par excellence and concerns all areas of culture in its various forms, from work, to religiousness, to the various moments of community life. Traditional music therefore becomes the common element through which to retrace and enhance the various aspects of Alpine culture, promoting routes to promote tourism. The intangible cultural heritage of the territory is therefore an opportunity for effective policies to promote tourism.

The project was presented by the Provincia di Lecco (lead organization), with the partners Comunità Montana Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino e Riviera, Fondazione Luigi Clerici, Fondazione Monastero Santa Maria del Lavello for the Italian part, Associazione Cantar di Pietre (lead organization), Mendrisiotto Turismo, Fondazione Processioni storiche and Comune di Mendrisio for the Swiss part.

Sacred and Profane Ritualities

The sacred and profane ritual celebrations represent the most vivid legacy of rural and alpine civilization: processions and carnivals, festivals of saints and celebrations, historical re-enactments, liturgies are the backbone of an annual calendar still surprisingly rich, a heritage of faith, culture, tradition.

Boundless values and traditions

The Vo.Ca.Te project involves the pre-alpine territory of the cooperation area: Valsassina area, Valle San Martino and San Pietro al Monte in Italy, Mendrisiotto area, Bellinzonese and Alto Ticino in Switzerland.

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